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Various Techniques of IP Spoofing
The term spoofing is used primarily in the networking Argor but could be defined as the act of cheating, ie, filing a false truth in a credible manner. There are different types of spoofing, but the best known is usually the IP address spoofing. Most types of spoofing have a common point: a malicious user transmits packets with a spoofed IP address that packets are originating from a reliable machine.
The first step is to select a target. Then you need to determine reliable source IP address for the target. To achieve this, typically run command to see where the system files exported, or type “rcpinfo” that provide sensitive information. Finally, the attacker changes the IP packet header to appear as originating from the machine reliable.
IP spoofing is not an attack, is just one step in the attack.
Let’s review the most common kinds of spoofing:
The blind spoofing:
In this attack, an attacker outside the network perimeter local multiple-transmit packets to their target sequence information to assemble the packets in proper order. The attacker has no control over the LAN transmissions so you need to trick the target machine to respond to your submissions and then analyze the sequences.
As we know, TCP is quite safe because the 3-way negotiations to establish a communication:
1. Host A sends a SYN to Host B
2. Host B sends a SYN / ACK to Host A
3. Host A sends an ACK to Host finally B
In the SYN sent by Host A is the “number sequence” to be the first to be sent are called ISN (Initial Img Number) and is different in each package. When Host B responds with SYN / ACK also sends the ISN, and finally when Host A re-sends ACK ISN sent to him by Host B before adding 1 (ISN +1).
Once we know the sequence, the attacker can inject data into sequences of packets that are sent to the machine without having opened an authenticated session.
1. Host A (false) sends a SYN to Host B
2. Host B sends a SYN / ACK to Host A
3. Host A (false) env’ a finally an ACK to Host B with previously achieved ISN +1.
4. Host A sends Host B PWS started data transmission.
Current operating systems usually generated randomly this sequence difficult this type of activity.
The spoofing is not hidden:
The offender is in the same network as its aim “sniffing” the TRANSMISSION of packets between the server and reliable machines. Once you discover the sequence of transmission, the attacker can hijack the session without having to authenticate because it already has reliable machine.
This can be stopped by using Best hide ip Software
Denial of Service (DoS):
In a massive attack against one or more machines are mainly used spoofing to disguise the origin of the attack. Reach particularly serious when several machines sent a steady stream of packets to a target. Generally used zombies or soldiers (hacked computers) that cause massive attack from fake addresses, this makes it very difficult to stop and track by operators and administrators.
Middle attack machine.
When an attacker is located between the two-machine communication and captured relaying communication between them without being detected. This type of attack is often used to obtain security information.
Surprisingly, the spoofing is also a legitimate use. The satellite Internet access is one of them. Packages in this type of transmission delays have a very high and there are many protocols that do not accept anything right this latency. Satellite providers do spoof of these protocols, including IP, so that each end of a flow receives the ACK packet without much delay.
How to avoid spoofing
It seems that with 5 basic rules can put the necessary measures to prevent
1. Based authentication using key exchange between machines on the network, the use of IPsec, for example, dramatically reduce the risk of spoofing.
2. Use ACLs (Access Control List or access control lists) to deny private IP traffic (not reliable) on your downstream interface.
3. Put into production traffic filtering input and output interface.
4. Configure switches and routers to deny traffic within the network that should originate outside and vice versa.
5. Allow access to local servers from external machines through encrypted sessions reliable set against the border routers via LAN VPNs
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Various Techniques of IP Spoofing