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Submitted by: Thornton Tavoris
Water is essential for life. Every organism on earth needs water to live. Over 70% of your body is made up of water. Your body must have the proper amount of water to function. Muscle tissue is 75% water and your bones are 50% water. Your brain contains the most amount of water, up to 85%. Water plays important roles in the various systems of your body. Some of the important roles that water plays in your body include:
Regulation of body temperature Moistening the mucus membranes such as your nose and throat Protecting your body s organs Helping to break down nutrients and minerals for your body to use Aiding in digestion Lubricating joints Flushing toxins and wastes from the body through the kidneys Delivering oxygen to your cells
If you don t get enough water, your body will go into a state of dehydration. Dehydration can be mild or in severe cases life threatening. To get the amount of water your body needs, you must consume approximately 1 liter or 64 ounces per day. If you are an athlete or work outside, that amount increases due to loss of fluids through sweat.
How can you get the hydration you need and increase your health? The health beverage, Evolv can be the answer to that question. Evolv contains the tasteless and odorless proprietary nutraceutical supplement powerhouse, Archaea Active formula. This formula has 15 years of research behind it. Not only will Evolv keep you hydrated, but it will increase the amount of oxygen delivered to your body. Any athlete knows that an increase of oxygen will improve his or her performance.
What is in Evolv? All of the ingredients in Evolv are considered safe and natural. Some of the ingredients in Evolv include natural purified spring water, alfalfa, bromelain, papain, protease, amylase, lipase, lactase, cellulase, and milk whey. These amino acids and nutrients are combined to deliver energy and hydration to your body. Your body is able to break the ingredients down easily and they are delivered to your cells through water to hydrate and oxygenate your body for maximum health benefits.
Not only can Evolv help to improve your health, but it can improve your financial lifestyle. It is only being distributed through independent distributors. This direct marketing approach was developed by Trey White, an investor and entrepreneur. Trey wanted to give people a way to contribute to their family s health and financial success with a product that everyone needs and is a healthy addition to their lives.
One of the most attractive aspects of direct marketing is the fact that you own your own business. You are able to set your own hours and decide how much time and effort you want to put into it. Another important fact is that in direct marketing, you can receive mentoring and training from people who have set up their own businesses. You can benefit from their experience and apply this knowledge to your own business to become successful. In this way you can add to your family s health and financial well being.
About the Author: To learn more about Evolv and your opportunity, please visit:
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