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If you want to end workplace bullying then your first step is going to be properly identifying the bullying behavior.In order to address your boss effectively concerning their abusive behavior it is imperative that you clearly define what it is that you consider to be bullying.
In order to do this there are some things you will need to do. Number one. Make a list of the different things your manager does that cause you to feel abused. Not only that, and this is even more important, but you must clearly show how other co-workers are not having to come under the same type of bullying from them.
When you show that you are receiving harsher treatment than your co-workers, it proves how you are being abused and that your boss is discriminating against you. By showing that you are able to clearly demonstrate the difference in treatment between your co-workers and you, you demonstrate to your boss that you have more than enough to take them to court, and this in turn could cause them to back down.
As much as it would be easy to label all abusers as one thing, that would be impossible to do. Because of this, you must educate yourself on how to identify the type of abuser your boss is.
Here is the list of types:
The Critical Boss- This manager never believes in praising you for the work you do. Nope. Instead they zero in on every possible negative, and then magnify it in order to make you feel as if you do not know how to do your job, let alone know how to do it well.
The 2 Face – The two face boss is the one who can only say behind your back what will never be said to your face. Everyone else hears something different than you do.
The Control Freak Boss – This is the boss who cannot let you have creative license or trust you completely with everything. You must report to them every step of the way which slows down your progress, and even makes it seem as if you cannot complete an assignment on time.
The Screaming Manager – If the words “irrational” and “out of control” describe your boss, then the chances are you have the screaming type of manager. They can make your nerves rattle and hair stand on end with their rants and raves.
I believe that it goes without saying, but each one of these must be dealt with in a unique manner.
The critic can be shot down by explaining how criticizing doesn’t get the job done.
The two face can be confronted by pointing out what you heard he said from others. You don’t have to mention names. Just state the facts. He’ll know they’re true.
Dealing with the gatekeeper can be a bit challenging in that, the only way you are going to get them to back down is by showing them how when you do it without them constantly looking over your shoulder, you get better results. This one takes a lot of inner strength because you can in no way back down.
If your boss is a screamer, then this one is to be handled with velvet gloves. The unpredictability and sometimes volatile behavior can lead to irrational moves, some of which may affect you adversely. It is not impossible, though.
Before even approaching your boss concerning their behavior, it is very important that you figure out what type of abuser they are. This will save you a lot of heartache in the long run, and may make the whole path to peace a lot simpler and smoother.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/business-articles/workplace-safety-articles/workplace-harassment-before-confronting-your-harassing-boss-specify-their-behavior-87331.html
About Author:
Sammi Jones is the owner of the website hostileworkplaceenvironmenthelp.com where she has free articles, reviews and also highlights resources available to those suffering from workplace harassment. She used to be a victim, but not anymore.Author: Sammi Jones